In times of hardship and sadness, such as when a loved one passes away, flowers can offer a glimmer of hope and comfort. If you're struggling to find a way to express your condolences and support those who are grieving, our Peace Lily is the perfect solution. This serene and sophisticated arrangemen[...]
Add To CartThe Peace Lily
In times of hardship and sadness, such as when a loved one passes away, flowers can offer a glimmer of hope and comfort. If you're struggling to find a way to express your condolences and support those who are grieving, our Peace Lily is the perfect solution. This serene and sophisticated arrangemen[...]
In times of hardship and sadness, such as when a loved one passes away, flowers can offer a glimmer of hope and comfort. If you're struggling to find a way to express your condolences and support those who are grieving, our Peace Lily is the perfect solution. This serene and sophisticated arrangement is sure to bring solace to those in pain.
The Peace Lily is presented in a classic brown basket, featuring lush green leaves and pristine white lilies. This arrangement symbolizes the departed's journey to a better place, where they can thrive in peace and tranquility. It also represents their purity, goodness, and restored innocence after death.
Our local florists can deliver this thoughtful and peaceful arrangement to any home or funeral home on the same day or at a later time. Whether you're sending prayers to honor a loved one or seeking comfort for yourself, the Peace Lily is a beautiful and sincere gesture.
Item No. F1-CPP
Price: $94.95
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